Saturday, December 24, 2011

we are what is wrong with the world

I was watching "Cyberbully" today and I started thinking about my own struggles in high school. Bullying 10 years ago wasn't much different, but on a computer... things can be documented. I wonder what would have happened to all my tormentors had the internet been back then what it is today. I hated school and the people in it. I had my friends of course, but the classroom and hallways were a monster of their own. I was teased and mocked for everything you can imagine; my clothes, my poor family, being ugly, being fat, being stupid, being sick all the time. Oh I was popular but in the worst way possible. Every kid in that school knew how poor my family was and how unhealthy I was. Some kids went as far as being scared to touch me, as if poverty or my health issues were things they could catch. Kids back then were smart enough to do it when the teacher wasn't paying attention. That's not true of today's kids. They are talking trash to others directly in front of whomever and they have a huge attitude of "who gives a shit- cause I sure don't". Kids are being incredibly rude to everyone and they have no idea about other's feelings. If they hurt someone, they are now cool. The bigger of a deal you make of it the better you are. Isn't that sad? It's disappointing as a teacher, watching these things happen daily and knowing that there really isn't much that can be done. You see, sure there are antibullying laws that have been passed in roughly 2/3 of the United States but that doesn't mean we can stop it. The kids are saying things without any care of the consequences. They talk about how easy it is to skip class and start fights, because if they get caught, they like being suspended. What kid wouldn't? That's a certain amount of time they get to stay home from school and do whatever they want. In school suspension is a joke as well to them. They think it's for them to nap, or draw on themselves, talk to the person next to them, easily wasting their entire day. They are much smarter than we give them credit for. They know how to get out of doing their school work, or even just following basic rules. It's so frustrating that these kids think adults are a joke and that their peers are beneath them as well. We've created some of this. The tv shows that are on show adults that kids outsmart or sass and the adult is shown as stupid, mean, naive, incompetent, etc... Sad isn't it? We're showing this generation that they can do what they want, because adults just don't know anything, and all children are innocent, perfect little creatures. It's just not true. If those kids had said a single word in front of my teachers 10 years ago, they would have been deeply sorry and in loads of trouble. But unfortunately for today, the kids can get away with just about anything, because we let them. The discipline is gone because everyone is afraid of being politically incorrect. It's our own fault for this as well. Certain people are so self absorbed and determined to go after other people that they don't see that in the long run, massive amounts of people will be affected in such a negative way. It's our humanity at work. It's the reason we will never have world peace. We are all too different with too many opinions, always afraid of offending someone that we've lost all control. We are becoming every thing that we never wanted to be.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

workin away!

I hope you're following me on etsy! My shop is stocked up again! ^_^ I've also finished another blanket and posted it to my facebook fan page =D I've made a ton of new items lately. I've really been pushing myself. My handbags are getting more creative, that's for sure! I worked with polymer clay for some new earrings and necklace and I've also made some hairclips as well. I've got a blanket in progress, nearly done, but another one I am practicing harder stitches. I'm using an extra long hook to work the tunisian stitch, and I can purl! Take that knitters! I can do it too with my hook! =D I'm pretty proud of myself for learning both of those. My kids love watching me do it too. It's always nice to hear them ask me if I can teach them how to do it and to hear them say how cool it is that I'm doing it. I also think it's hilarious to hear them argue over if I'm knitting or crocheting. They crack me up more than they know. I've had some rough days but I've had many good days as well. There is a new junior high that is beautiful. It really is. It is 3 stories tall and has tons of glass and windows. The atrium is lovely as well. The kids have so much room and supplies in each room. To me, it's the most creative school I've been to. I wish so much that I could teach there permanently but that's just a wish right now. The kids have two walls of glass. One shows the hallways and there are tables out there with chairs that students can go out and work in, while the teacher stays in the room. They can keep an eye on the kids outside and the ones in their room at the same time. It's so nice! Some kids just want to work by themselves and this really helps them out. I'm all for supporting learning. Also, if you want to sign up for classes with me at Joann, sign up for anything after 4 during the week and any weekend class. =)

I'm crocheting a bodice for ren faire. I'm going as an owl this year, I'm super excited to piece the costume together. So far I have the wings, mask, peasant top, and I've made myself some earrings and hair clips with feathers. I'm going to make my bodice and gloves with yarn. I've finally decided on a skirt I want too. Finding a decent one that is cheap is HARD to do.

My new charity project is joining red heart yarn. They make scarves in certain colors every year for the special olympics. How awesome is that!? I'm stoked. So I need to get the yarn and start working after I get through the holidays. ^_^ They don't need the scarves for a few months. I'm wondering how many I can knock out. =D

I will get some pictures on here soon, it's just hard since my laptop has BARELY any memory and my desktop is pretty much dead at the moment. T_T Many apologies! I'm doing the best I can with what I have.


Thursday, September 15, 2011


you know you want to!

I'm excited to say that my classes are going well so far. I've been called several times to sub already this month; yay! I've had some good kids so far, some of whom begged me to come back and be their permanent teacher. <3 I've also been doing well with my Joann classes. I've taught 15 people crochet so far. =D That's exciting to me. My bf thinks I should also take up a part time waitressing job. Not entirely sure I want to get back into food. I really hated it before... >_<*

There was a decent sized fire nearby two days ago in George W Bush park and seeing all the smoke from that was not fun. It was kinda scary, being worried if the wind was going to change direction and decide to push the fire my way, but luckily no. It only burned inside the park, so all the surrounding neighborhoods are very grateful and lucky. We're praying for rain, we need it desperately, so please say a prayer for the state. =)

My bf and i made shepards pie the other night. So good! =D tonight is tostadas! I'm enjoying cooking, so any good recipes you want to share would be greatly appreciated and tested! =D

Other than that, i'm just crocheting some more. I finished a blanket and have 2 more in progress. =) I will keep you updated with some pictures soon! =)


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hello everyone! I decided to pick this book up, because I've heard nothing but good things said about it from people and book clubs. Plus, with the movie out, the book is sold at a good discount! =) I haven't started it yet, but I will let you know as I go along what I think of it.

I am quite relieved that the weather has decided to release it's death grip and cool down a lil bit. It's still hot, but 83 is MUCH better than 105! All we need now is rain and desperately so. I'm worried about how many homes, acres and people will be lost before relief comes. We need it terribly, but there is a high pressure sitting on top of Texas that has basically refused to move. Until it does, we can't get the rain we need. There is a perfectly good tropical storm that would help us sooooo much, but unfortunately it is going to be forced to go into Mexico. Prayers would still be greatly appreciated, even though we've all been praying the entire summer.

I'm teaching crochet classes at Joann now. I really like that they have a classroom in the back of the store too. We have an open house on the second Saturday of each month, where you can purchase the classes for half off! It's a major deal! It's less money for me, but I don't mind too much. I'm happy I'm being paid to teach something I love to do. I've been working on two more charity blankets, and learning some knitting stitches. I'm not learning to knit don't worry! It's just that as a crocheter, we can do more kinds of stitches and I'm learning to crochet knitting stitches. You won't be able to tell I've crocheted them either! How fun is that! The hook is double ended though and that was a bit strange to get used to. So far, I've mastered the cable stitch. I'll have to post pictures as I go of what I'm doing. My etsy site is up and fully loaded with some goods I'm hoping to sell, and I've put up a fancy coat on ebay I'm also trying to sell. No such luck yet, but you never know. I am hoping things will work out for the better this time. =)

I'm trying to decide what to do about my dad calling me annoying. He claims that my texts annoy him, but I barely text him, if that! It's usually one or two a month. It's frustrating, hearing that you annoy someone over something that is so minute. There are other things pushing me away from him, but that was the last straw for now. I'm taking a break, and getting some breathing room. I can't go over to see him, knowing that he cares more about my step brothers and step sister than he does me. I'm not jealous or anything like that, don't get me wrong. But when they are rude and obnoxious to me, telling me I'm not allowed at the dinner table with the rest of them, or them trying to talk badly to other people about me behind my back, and he doesn't even stand up for me? Not once! 13 years it's been and he's never defended me. At first, I thought it was because he was trying to keep the peace, but now I'm not sure at all any more. He was in a car accident and no one told me. I had to find out from facebook?! Extended family came into town and I was the only one not called. I'm heartbroken. I feel like a complete stranger in his house. None of my paintings or drawings that I've made throughout the years are anywhere to be seen. It's like I just don't matter. I decided I've cried enough over that. I know I'm lucky that I know who my dad is, he lives close and he's still alive, but I'm dealing with so much from him that I can't handle it any more.

If change is so great, why are people so scared, so stubborn, so defiant to accept it?


Sunday, August 28, 2011

that is my etsy shop back up and running! wee! Now that i've been working on camera shots and such, i think it will make my goods more appealing; or rather that is the hope! Please consider me in all your gifting needs! I'd appreciate any comments you may have on it.

I'm hoping all is well for everyone i knrow all along the east coast. Hurricanes are intense!

I'm watching netflix, and oh i love it so. There are so many different shows and movies to choose from! I am sad that several shows i wish they had, they don't. (how come ramsay's kitchen nightmares uk version but not america version is on eh??) I"m watching an 8 part special on the Tower of London. There is a ton of history in that sucker that i never knew. It's fascinating! I think that's a reason why I would make a good teacher. I still love to learn even though I'm not in school any longer. ^_^

For my projects right now, I have two charity blankets in the works. I'm still working on what i want to embellish my purple bag with. I haven't come up with a design I'm satisfied with yet.


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Who blankie and more...

Doctor Who blankie is complete! The reason the stripes look a tad bit off is that i didn't want to waste a single milimeter of yarn. I also didn't have quite enough so i added the blue as close to the Tardis color as i could. I  haven't decided what to do with it quite yet.

I also had a massive moment of I need to update everything, so i did. My etsy shop is up and running again with items in it and I love that i can actually post pictures of commissionable items. Thank you etsy! Much better improvement! I added new photos to my dalloftheabove facebook page and i shot some new and improved photos to make my goods look better. =D

What do you think? Better and improved or no? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

We FINALLY had some rain last night! God is good! The wind was intense, so much so that the trees outside were nearly horizontal to the ground. The lightning was beautiful to watch. I was making a lasagna and kept praying i wouldn't lose power in the middle of it being in the oven. Thankfully it wasn't that bad. We need more rain though. We are too far behind. I am praying for anyone in the path of hurricane Irene though. Please be safe everyone! I'm off to get some sleep! I get to sub tomorrow, yatta!


Monday, August 22, 2011

Jobbing-my term for job hunting

I never thought it was going to be like this; 27, nearly 28 with no job, no house, no husband, just some debt. This is the worst time to be graduating college, as jobs are scarce. For those of us at entry level, we're screwed. How can we be hired for a job, when someone who has some experience takes it instead? How can we get that much needed experience if we aren't even given the chance to have try? Right now, the beggars CAN be choosers and they aren't choosing the newbies. Those of us recent grads who aren't in the medical field are stuck. Jobs for teachers are more sought after and therefore many are jobless as well. The states have cut back educational funding, and we are seriously damaging the next generation. Teachers need to be with fewer students. Packing in 40 kiddos like sardines into classrooms means a whole new can of worms has opened. You can't expect them to stay focused or ALL be able to learn when they cannot get the attention they each need. I'm disappointed in the decisions made by the government to force more students upon teachers because of the amount of schools being forced to close to save those precious dollars. We are hurting ourselves, our future, their future... For a democratic society, it's sure not getting us anywhere. We cannot choose where our tax dollars go, and the people that choose for us are more clueless than ever before. Real American citizens are hurting badly. The  people with the best advantages are the illegal immigrants who we are paying for them to have food, a roof over their heads, medical care and are even giving our jobs to them. The "American Dream" has been replaced with a bunch of whiners who want every single person to be equal. I hate being politically correct. What that phrase really means is that someone can't handle criticism like an adult, cries like a toddler and expects to be coddled like a baby. People are so afraid of offending one another that all moral issues have gone out the window and we are offending one another so much more with all this "correctness". I'm really not even sure what to call myself any more. Sure I live in America, but that's merely the name, and no longer the place. You see, many people want to be financially equal and have everything the wealthy do. But this was not how society was meant to be. All throughout time, there has always been a distinct set of classes. With all these people right now urging for change, what they do not realize is that if you take more money away from the wealthy, that the middle class begins to disappear and people don't get wealthier, they get poorer. The poverty levels will continue to rise as along as we let the government keep pushing to take away the middle class. I wish people would wake up. There is nothing wrong with living your life without ever having the $10000 Louis Vuitton handbag, or the $100000 car.  There is NO shame in driving a 10 year old Toyota, wearing silk heels you only paid $12 for. The sad this is that people are working much harder to make more money to support themselves and their families, only to have more of it taken away and given to people who do not deserve it.

I hate listening, reading and watching about how selfish and spoiled people are and how they want you to be that way too. It's okay to shop at Ross, Target, Walmart, or the outlet malls. Why pay full price when you shouldn't have to? You can get a lot more for a lot less, often without having to sacrifice quality. As someone who is jobless and broke, I've managed to keep clothes on my back and food in my tummy without getting myself into a deeper debt. Sales, coupons, special promotions, sometimes waiting for those is the best thing you can do. Being the savvy shopper that i am, I often wait until end of season to pick up something I need. That sweater that cost $100 is now $9 on the clearance rack. I've even picked up apple bottom jeans (for those who don't know they aren't exactly cheap!) for $3.98 at JCPenny. I kid you not! That was also without any coupons or anything, just in store specials. No one knows that I paid so little for those designer jeans, and no one cares. Save yourself the $$$. Those little things add up! Plus, I also go to resale shops. They take only gently worn clothes, shoes and accessories. I found a $200 bag for $15. You can sell your gently worn clothes and often receive store credit or cash on the spot. Now it may not be a lot, but every bit helps! The clothes that are not taken can be donated. I don't buy trash bags, i reuse the grocery store bags. It saves and is a form of recycling. Do what you can. It's not being considered cheap, its being resourceful. I've decided to take up some teaching classes for an art store and they give free lessons to the instructors. Well, my dad bought me a sewing machine and i'm clueless on how to use it. I am going to take a free lesson in sewing, and i've also decided that to save myself some money, instead of having to buy fabric, i'm going to use some old sheets. They'd make for some great curtains!

I'm working on another blanket, a purse, and learning some new stitches. I will keep ya'll posted on my progress BUT if you'd like go to ravelry, find me as Dalloftheabove and that's another place that you can see my goodies. I am considering writing some patterns and putting them up for sale. Should I?

I'm reading this right now, almost done! So far, it's been a good book. I saw the movie trailer for it when  i went and saw the last Harry Potter movie. I'm hoping it will be as good as the book. I've also been watching this show called "Heavy" on netflix. I'm not getting fat or anything but I feel so lazy and useless not having a real job, that I've started going to the gym and riding the bike and also using my lil shakeweight. (lol all you want that thing does make your arms burn!)
