Saturday, February 5, 2011

random finds

fashion time!
 love that skirt, very much in style with the ballet movement going on right now on the catwalk!
love the storm cloud necklace!
this too goes with the mod ballet theme but also would look great for a wedding or brunch on Easter! i like the purple best = )
so cute for cooking in the kitchen! <3
very classy shoe that you can wear with anything, very timeless!
omg purple boots! so much love!!!
love the simple style and color! purple and pearl, instant love!
gorgeous going out shoe!


clean water

here is my submission to a fashion website on getting people clean drinking water, they published it today =)
Clear water. For some, this is something never seen before. 884 million people around the world have never seen clear water, yet here in America we have millions of bottles of water, or tap water that is perfectly clear. Thousands die every single day due to diseases that run rampant in the stagnant water. Simple diseases that we even have cures for, people are dying from.

What can we do? Raise money and awareness. Every Christmas, Americans spend 450 billion dollars on Christmas. It would only take 10 billion to solve the world’s drinking water problem. Yes. I just said solve. Believe it or not, this is one issue we can fix but people don’t know about it. It costs just $3,000 to build a well in India and $12,000 for a well in Africa. Teams are ready to build, but it takes money. I know there are tons of noble causes out there, but to me this one tops them all. Think about it this way. Trying to solve world hunger will do no good if the people are still going to die from dysentery or cholera from their water sources. Women are getting attacked and even raped; trying to get any kind of water they can, though it may be several miles from their villages.

For all of you, who love him; support Matt Damon, as he is one of many celebrities trying to help solve the water issue. Spread the word. I’m working on trying to get something set up through the company I work for to let people donate. If enough of us raise the money this is something we can solve! Once we solve this then we can move onto other things. Do a Google search and you’ll find many websites that will give you all the information and more about what I’ve said.

Girls our age, younger and older are dying because of their drinking water. They need our help, so please join me in trying to save them. You can add me as a friend here on Suddenly Darling and you can write on my wall or send me a message with any questions! The world is waiting!

What do you think??? =)

I just finished reading Jodi Picoult's HOUSE RULES and wow is it good, you need to read this book if you are at all curious about Asperger's (its high functioning autism...)

Stomach feels funk so does head, off to lie down now -_-
