Thursday, May 27, 2010

bandzed? pun intended

That entertains me alot more than it should. It's kind of like the new pogs. Remember those? The lil milk cap game where you stacked them and hit them with a slammer to see how many you could turn over? We used to trade and collect those back when i was in elementary school.I had at least a hundred of them and i even had cool bright and glittery cases for them too.I These bracelets though seem alot cooler, even the high school kids and college kids have been seen sporting them. I may not understand the coolness factor of it but when my 8 year old niece handed me a silly band that was in the shape of an owl i couldn't say no. Silly Bandz Fantasy Shapes - 24 Pack These are so cool! Thanks to amazon for the image. They go on your wrist but when you pull them off they go right back to whatever shape they are, i.e.: a fish, dragon, bandaid... Why must all the cool trends come out once you're old?

Sad huh?


Tuesday, May 25, 2010


For many of us females we just love and appreciate shoes. I, my good friends, have found a pair i would LOVE to have.

You're looking at me funny, or understanding me completely. For one who speaks Japanese, these are perfect! I would love to wear these! Alas, the money supply is short thanks to a very small paying job and tons of bills. I am a wishful thinker, hoping one day those shoes shall be on my feet! The patterns remind me of bento boxes, chop sticks, and umbrellas. Another dream is to actually visit Nippon itself. I've been eyeing pictures of Himeji Castle from textbooks too long and would prefer to see it in person, rather than a photograph. The link to the left at least can show you a glimpse of what I'd like to see for myself. For those of you that have been there, I'm a bit jealous!

Jaa, mata ne! 

Monday, May 24, 2010

Do the Wave

While standing awkwardly in Walmart, i'm gazing at the wall of acne products. How am i supposed to know which one will work for me? I check the backs of the bottles looking at how much salicylic acid is in each one. I've been battling cystic acne for years; it comes with the territory of having polycystic ovarian syndrome. What i've discovered is the land of Neutrogena products. So far, i'm quite impressed with how good the lil purple wave i have works. I bought the new one with 2 speeds and it really does feel like its cleaning out my pores. They have different pads for different skin types as well, and it's small enough that it makes life easier on the go. Think about it. No more risk taking, putting a bottle in a plastic bag and praying nothing ruptures either the bottle and/or the bag( or even worse; both!) I like this too, because then it can come with me on a long airplane ride and i don't have to sacrifice something else in place of face wash. I say this product is worth it so far!

Also I really want to read Molly Ringwald's new book, plus there is a book about Kate, Prince Will's girlfriend and that has my curiosity piqued as well. Both are on sale at Target but alas, rent comes first! What are you reading right now?